We will endeavour to answer all requests as soon possible. For queries, you can reach our office at 031 369 9438, weekdays from 8am – 4pm.
Contact US
For general enquiries, complete the contact form, choosing the topic you are enquiring about, and we will ensure that your question is directed to correct person.
Trading Hours:
We are available weekdays from 8am – 4pm.
Tel: +27 31 369 9438
Fax: +27 31 369 9559
Office Location: 29 Acutt Street, Durban, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
Postal Address: PO Box 5353, Durban, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, 4000
KwaZulu-Natal Philharmonic Orchestra
Association Incorporated Not-for-Gain.
Reg. Number 98/09578/08
Performance locations
The majority of our concerts are hosted at The Durban City Hall, which is located in Durban City Centre.
*Please see individual concert details for their corresponding location.
See our Visitors Guide for frequently asked questions: